Our Guiding Principles

We strive to provide guests and campers at Rock Mountain with F.U.S.E.D. service and V.I.P resources

F.U.S.E.D Service



We adapt to the changing needs and desires of our guests.



We value our guests above ourselves.



We set aside our own needs and desires for our guests.



We are excited to meet the needs and desires of our guests.



We relentlessly pursue excellence for our guests.

V.I.P. Resources



Changeable activities and spaces to meet the desires of our guests.



Purposefully meeting the physical, relational, and/or spiritual needs of our guests.



Individually understanding our guests and their needs.

Seasonal Openings

How You Can Serve at RMBC

  • Service Team
  • Service Area Supervisors – Kitchen, Dining Room, & Housekeeping
  • Staff Counselors (male & female)
  • Kitchen Specialists
  • Grounds Maintenance
  • Activities Specialists
  • Lifeguard
  • Youth Camp Counselors (male & female)
Year-round Openings

Currently Seeking Candidates for:

Participate in a Work Group or Volunteer

We rely on volunteers and work groups for a variety of facility-related tasks. Firewood supply, facility improvements, seasonal upkeep are examples of tasks that our full-time staff need assistance in completing each year.

Individuals, families, youth groups, or ministry teams are welcome to join us in providing opportunities to experience truth, community, and change through Jesus Christ.

Printable Volunteer Application (PDF)

Contact Us

Why Serve at Rock Mountain?

  • Serve God.
  • Share the Gospel of Jesus
  • Build life-long friendships
  • Have a blast!

I serve at camp because by doing so I get to be a part of the groups growing closer to God during their retreat. And, as staff we grow closer to God too.

Through camp I’ve learned to work with different people, and have been prepared for my future working and serving with others

I love to serve at camp because I can experience true Christian community. We really are like a big family

How to Apply

You can apply online or print and mail or email your application to us for consideration.

Regardless of which application method you choose, we ask that you please send us three references along as part of your application. You can download reference forms below or email links to your references.

1. Apply Online

We will contact you once we have received your online application and responses from your three references.

Online Forms for Your References
Copy and email these links to online forms that your references will complete.

2. Email or Mail Application

Email your completed forms as PDF files to our Program Manager, Brittany Baechtle, at Brittany@RockMountain.org.


Mail application and three reference documents to:

Rock Mountain Bible Camp
1156 Rock Mountain Dr.
Susquehanna, PA 18847
Attn: Brittany Baechtle

Application & Reference Documents

Please print and mail or scan and email all four documents to us for consideration.

Forms and Clearances

All staff and volunteers must have the following current background clearances as required by Pennsylvania law. RMBC will provide payment codes for required checks during the interview process. Contact us with questions.