Remembering Rock: September 2021

Ministry Update:
Happy Fall! The past two months have been full of retreats and youth camps, busy family campground weekends and the occasional laser-tag road trip. It has been an extra sweet summer, as many campers and groups were returning after missing camp in 2020; for some it was their first chance to be back together since the pandemic began. It is a privilege to serve each group and camper, and to hear the impact time at camp has. For many of our youth campers it is the highlight of their summer; for many family groups and churches their time at camp comes filled with memories of baptisms, new things learned about God, and significant decisions made in obedience to Christ.
This year Rock Mountain recognizes 25 years of ministry. We are thankful for the legacy of faith commemorated and celebrated this past summer, and pray that God will continue to change lives through the gospel here at camp.
Prayer Requests:

Prayer Requests:
- Pray for LIDDI, the Path, Oasis Christian Centre, Calvary Chapel Delaware, and Grace Fellowship Women’s Backpacking Trip, all holding events at Rock Mountain this month.
- We are praying that all retreats and programs planned for 2021-2022 would be able to move forward, and would not be significantly impacted by COVID-19 restrictions or concerns.
- Pray for the campers who responded to the gospel this summer, that as they return home, and back to school that they would connect with Bible-teaching churches, Christian fellowship and will continue to grow in their relationship with the Lord.

- We are so thankful for the full summer of ministry God blessed us with. Over 1,000 guests and campers had the opportunity to experience Truth, Community and Change through Jesus Christ this summer.
- We are so grateful for every staff member that served with us this past summer. Countless hours of food prep, cleaning, weed-whacking, zipline and building relationships with fellow staff, campers, and guests–all for the sake of the gospel. We are praising God for the work He did in and through our seasonal staff this year.
- The campground continues to grow! We had another busy summer camping season and we are excited for all the new families and churches we were able to serve!